
Passed Event

Performance test of the voice assistant

In early August 2024, the IRCCS INRCA team tested the Emilio voice assistant, evaluating its performance through various user-dialogue scenarios to assess technical aspects.

The results revealed significant improvements compared to earlier stages. Participants were highly engaged and gave positive feedback, expressing their willingness to join the next experiment in September. Additional tests for Emilio’s continuous improvement will be conducted soon in Belgium, at Vulpia facility, and in Romania, at the University of Brașov.

Passed Event

Voice Assistants for Seniors

On June 27, Claudia Franceschetti from IRCCS INRCA shared insights from the Emilio project at ForItAAL 2024 in Florence. Her presentation, «How do Older Adults Envision a Voice Assistant?» revealed findings from a March 2023 co-design session at ISRAA in Treviso. It highlighted older adults› views on voice assistants, sparking valuable discussions. This feedback advances the Emilio concierge, enhancing connections between elderlies, families, staff, and service providers.

Passed Event


Emilio Consortium members and partners met in the IDLab at imec in Ghent to discuss about the integration of Emilio in elderly homes.

In the IDLab, the latest system of the Emilo was demonstrated and tested by the various participants. Through this experience many valuable insights could be gathered. Among others the behavior of elderly people was analyzed, showing that the supportive features of Emilio will lead to an independent and happy life for elderly people.

Thanks to our IMAC partners for hospitality and organization.

12. – 13. December 2023

Passed Event

Mid-Term Review
Meeting in Antwerp

We have been working for 15 months on AAL-Emilio and we are in the middle of the project.

For the Mid-Term Review Meeting all the Consortium members met in the premises of Vulpia in Antwerp in the Netherlands. In this short time we had efficient and productive discussions with the Reviewers. We will take into account the important feedback points and we now start into the second half of the EU project.

Many thanks to Jan from Vulpia for hospitality and excellent organisation.

22. – 24. May 2023


Passed Event

Workshop on voice interaction

At ISRAA: feedback and observations

INRCA’s organized a workshop on voice interaction with great interest from the residents. It’s important that we can customize the technology to get a good acceptance from the users.

It was very well perceived. Significantly the sense of security made possible between the devices monitoring the person at home and the clinician’s dashboard ( i.e. if needed, the clinician will be alerted).

Passed Event


The Consortium Meeting of the 𝐄𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐨 Project took place in February 2023 in Switzerland.

We shared insights about the needs of future clients with their perspectives to design a good solution. Furthermore, we exchanged the news about the technical progress and we installed an Emilio-demonstrator in the premises of Erdmann Solutions in Neuhausen am Rheinfall.

Thanks to the Erdmann Solutions Team for hospitality and organisation.

7. – 8. February 2023

Passed Event



EMILIO at the European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing 18-20 October 2022, Gdansk Poland.

Passed Event

Co-Design with target groups

Co-design in Italy with target groups

On 17 June, a co-design took place with people of age around 75 that could be identified as future clients of the Emilio solution. The purpose of the co-design was to understand needs, concerns and expectations of healthy people living independently and reflect on the match between care needs and services provided by an Assisted Living Facility.

Passed Event


The first face-to-face meeting took place in July 2022, six months after the start of the Emilio Project. It was a very productive two-days meeting, with intensive collaboration between the partners and high-level workshops. The topics of assisted Living Home – Voice Control – Monitoring of the Activities of Daily Living were discussed.

Thanks to the INRCA – Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico for the hospitality and organisation.

12. – 13. July 2022

Passed Event


In March 2022 the technical partners of the Consortium met in Rome to discuss about the architecture of the digital platform. Several possibilities were assessed, among others also the Bosch IoT Suite and the Gatekeeper platform.

Passed Event

Kick-off meeting

The Kick-off meeting of the EMILIO Project was held online on the 17.-18. February. For the international consortium team from four countries, it was not possible to meet in person due to the pandemic. In the online kick-off we discussed about the project planning and prepared the activities so that all the work packages could start smoothly.